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LotusRain Naturopathic Clinic

Say No To Aspartame In Milk

By May 20, 2013No Comments

Tell the FDA you don’t want unlabeled Aspartame in your Milk!

In the world of food, agriculture and feeding our children under the influence of giant corporations and special interests, there are bad ideas and then there are really bad ideas.

Right now, in the midst of a major childhood obesity epidemic, the giant dairy lobby is trying to force the federal government to redefine “milk” to include artificial sweeteners such as aspartame in children’s school lunches without proper labels.[1] So instead of chocolate or strawberry milk with sugar and high fructose corn syrup, which is currently labeled, Big Dairy now wants to replace that with aspartame in our children’s milk and pretend it’s a healthy choice for you and America’s children then do this by keeping it all a secret by not requiring proper labels!

Tell the FDA to not cave in to Big Dairy – Keep unlabeled Aspartame out of our milk! Every voice counts.

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