December 27, 2016: Manage Stress During The Holidays
The holidays are an opportunity for reflection, joy and peace. Then why do we feel stressed and why does any stress we already have seem more pronounced? Stop the madness and make your holidays joyful. This week we will talk with an expert on how you can manage and reduce stress, especially during the holiday season. This is a topic you don’t want to miss. Join us for the next Optimal Health Hour episode.
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Featured Guest
Loran Thompson
An expert in stress management with over 25 years of experience, Loran Thompson is a corporate trainer, health coach, national speaker and founder of “The Wellness Edge”. Loran’s powerful and energetic message teaches her audience and clients how to reduce their stress and make healthier choices. Her willingness to share stories about overcoming her own obstacles, brings a refreshingly, “real” perspective to her presentations which include: Stress Management at Work, Achieving Balance at Work and Home, and Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle. Loran is dedicated and committed to her mission of empowering individuals to make healthy, positive changes in their lives. With an amazing ability …..