Dr. Reese’s Note:
Dear Lotus Family,
I need your help urgently to forward this call to action to your circle this weekend!!. As many of you are aware there are 1000’s of Cancer conquerors and Autoimmune conquerors who would not be alive today or have any quality of life if they did not have the access to Nutritional IV treatments. As with most of you, I use IV’s on a regular basis for energy, immune, hormone, pain, weight loss, surgery and candida support. This new bill will block any physician from creating nutritional IV solutions to save and improve their quality of life. for their patients.
Thank you,
Dr. Kristine Reese ND

The Senate compounding bill we have been telling you about has now been scrapped because of the outcry from consumers like you. That is the good news. They started over from scratch.
********* take action immediately! *********
Here’s the bad news. They slipped in a new and very bad provision.
This provision says that your doctor can only order a vitamin or mineral or other nutrient IV if the ingredients are already pre-approved or in some unrelated, synthetic, and FDA approved drug. This is outrageous.
More bad news. The same bill will likely be voted on in the House right after the Senate without changes.
IVs (nutrients injected into your veins) are very, very important for natural medicine. Please don’t let them make some really important compounded IV medications illegal! Someone you love may desperately need them.
Please read more about this terrible provision on our website, and take action immediately!
Please write your senators and congressional representatives IMMEDIATELY and tell them to amend the new compounding bill!