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This article was written by Julia Elbaba, both a tennis pro and US Open Reporter.  You can find her on Twitter@  Julia Elbaba and on Instagram @juleselbaba.


Just when you thought the US Open had all of the resources a player could ask for, a new-found gem was introduced in 2019: the recovery room. Already a big hit with players, the spa-like space offers a variety of tools they can use for rest, relaxation and, yes, recovery, so they can be ready to play their next match and perform at their best.

The room features four reclining chairs and a variety of advanced equipment to help speed up recovery and reduce inflammation and muscle soreness, including NormaTec (a pulse massage system), HyperIce vibrating massagers and foam rollers, as well as the crowd favorite, NuCalm.

Originally invented to help treat PTSD, NuCalm is a drug-free system that relaxes the brain and body within minutes. Users don a light-blocking eye mask and a gravity blanket, as well as headphones that deliver a “neuroacoustic” soundtrack of music or nature sounds designed to help achieve a gentle but healing level of sleep. Finally, a small electromagnetic disc is applied to the inside of the left wrist, sending signals to the heart to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and calm the body—mimicking the body’s transition to a peaceful, restorative night’s sleep.

NuCalm gives you two to three hours [worth of] restorative sleep in 20-30 minutes,” said Chad Raynor, who manages the room. “In a normal nap, you might fall into ‘delta,’ the deepest level of sleep, leading you to feel groggy. NuCalm keeps you in ‘theta,’ which is the first level of sleep. You are not fully asleep, but it is the most restorative sleep. When you wake up, you feel refreshed.”

With more and more studies affirming the positive effects of napping on athletic performance, it’s no surprise that this particular tool has been so well received. “Every player who has used it really enjoyed it, especially players coming from overseas or after New York late nights,” Raynor said.

Why did the US Open add this room to the players’ lounge? “The players felt like they needed a place to rest that was undisturbed,” said Raynor. “It makes sense for the US Open and the players—the more refreshed the players are, the better the performance levels are on court.”

One of the players who particularly enjoys the new room is American Caty McNally. “It’s a great place to go when you have time off,” she said. “My favorite is the sleep area, as it is a really cool way to get extra rest. I passed out right away in my 20-minute session. The room has been packed.”

McNally’s doubles partner and rising American star Coco Guaff, hearing about the room for the first time, was intrigued. “I want to go try it now,” she said.

Australian player Ellen Perez was also impressed by the recovery room and the NuCalm system, in particular. “I felt surprisingly refreshed after my nap,” said Perez. “This room is a great addition to the Open. I’ve seen and heard so many great things from the other players about it. There’s nothing this room doesn’t have.”

With the addition of the recovery room to the 2019 US Open, players are nothing short of thrilled to be able to take their healing and performance to the next level.


NuCalm is available at the LotusRain Clinic in San Diego call us @ 619.239.LIFE (5433) to schedule an appointment & click here to learn more and schedule an appointment- NuCalm 

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